Sunday 14 June 2009

Fabulous Ile de Maurice

Mauritius is my kind of place. Lots of plants and animals there which don't exist anywhere else in the world. Even better it's an island where people of many different backgrounds and cultures mix, Indians, Africans, Chinese, Malays, French and multiple hybrids. I could care less about the sterilized tourist Mauritius, where hotels cost more than the average wage of the workers. Instead, it's the image of hybrid profusion I love about the place, and the quirky ambience. The music is pretty wonderful, too, hybrid and vibrant. So I read a blog dedicated to the real charm of Mauritius as it is lived by the locals. Click on this link

Le Port-Port Louis de chez toi
"La capitale de Maurice grouille aux heures de bureau... puis se vide en un quart de tour, tel un coeur artificiel qu'on débranche. Théâtre frénétique des ambitions d'hier et d'aujourd'hui, joyeux bazar où s'affirme toute l'île, Port-Louis, au bout du jour, laisse entrevoir sa tristesse. Qui gagne le front de mer et les beaux restes de la ville d'antan. Mais son charme se perpétue dans le calme d'une cour intérieure et dans la mémoire de ses habitants."

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