Wednesday 12 May 2010

Prophetic Calypso singer predicted General Election result

A regular reader sends this prediction of the 2010 General Election, from Calypso singer Lord Beginner from 1950. Starts off with a mock fifties BBC voice, "Me, Lord Beginner make this calypso in the style of old Minou Calypso which we sing in Trinidad since many years, so hit it on.....

"General Election we had in Great Britain, caused a sensation, Independents, also Liberal  it was essential, Socialists was glad, Communists was sad, Conservatives did cheer at the results in Trafalgar Square. But I was confused, waiting to hear the news. ..... Two long days it was announced, the parties with no majorities, it is said that the King was listening, so nothing was missing, traffic could not pass, police had a task, it was the best election, I'll say, from ? to the break of day.....;But I was confused, waiting to hear the news....

"At Piccadilly was a grand illumination, names went up in rotation. Some said we will get more employment, others said better house rent. Balloon wernt up, too, I saw red and blue, for Attlee's supporters roar and for Churchill who won the war,  but I was confused, waiting to get the news....


  1. A friend adds "Despite getting more of the popular vote, Labour got 302 seats. The Conservatives 302, with 19 Liberal National allies could form a government". So, the sky did not fall, despite "hung" Parlaiment.

  2. The missing line is "crowds were there til the break of day."

    Great song.
