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Yuja Wang (Photo : Julia Wesley) |
"Pianos will continue to be crafted with love and care, music will be shared to unite and uplift people during this time of crisis, and stores will be rebuilt, through the hard work and generosity of their communities. What we can’t rebuild or replace, however, are human lives. Those are the most precious thing of all, and we must safeguard the lives of people whose voices aren’t being heard."
"Human expression takes many forms. It has to, especially when marginalized voices are not being acknowledged, and are met with hatred and judgement. I hope you will look at this powerful image and recognize everything that it is trying to say to us."
".....when marginalized voices are not being acknowledged and are met with hatred and judgement" Think on that. The vicious abuse aimed against her for saying that abolutely proves the case. Racism is endemic ; indeed you could argue that some sections of western society would collapse if they didn't have targets to hate, whatever the target might be. Right wing extremists are only the tip of the iceberg, (or rather inferno). Their values tap into a mindset that runs so deep that even supposedly decent people who vomit at DT & Co happily accept the way his agendas have permeated. Too many Uncle Toms, too. It's the whole Cold War mentality of good guys versus subhuman bad guys, the "good guys" assuming the moral imperative, however much double standards might apply. Yuja Wang knows first hand how petty minded and vicious some people can be. So all the more her courage deserves respect.
If pianos are more important than the millions of lives damaged and lost through racism, that says something about society. True artists use their instruments to create something more sublime than material things. In any case, what kind of artist uses white painted pianos, anyway ?
Sure, mass gatherings in times of pandemic are not a great idea for infection control. But racism is even more contagious than COVID and it kills even more. strange, usn't itbhow the same poeple who believe in their freedom not to respect disease limitation suddenly advocate it when other people are concerned. Like the woman who claimed to be a feminist because domestic violence has spiralled during lockdown. As if domestic violence would disappear overnight if lockdown stopped? Or the man who complained because he's isolated for weeks, so therefore no-one else should be out demonstrating, yet doesn't complain about yobs who cheerfully ignore anything other than their own needs. #onlymylife matters
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